GHK-Cu Copper Peptide
The human peptide GHK (glycyl-l-histidyl-l-lysine) has multiple biological actions, all of which, according to our current knowledge, appear to be health positive.
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Skin & Hair
GHK was first studied for wound healing (1983+) and later for its effects on skin and hair. In many controlled, peer-reviewed published articles, GHK was found to:
Tightened and Loose Skinand thicken older skin.
Repairedprotective skin barrier proteins.
Improvedskin firmness, elasticity, and clarity.
Reduced fine linesdepth of wrinkles, and overall appearance.
Reduced fine linesdepth of wrinkles, and overall appearance.
Smoothedrough skin.
Reduced Photodamagemottled hyperpigmentation, skin spots and lesions.
Improvedoverall appearance.
Protected skin cellsfrom UV radiation.
Increased Hair Growthand thickness, enlarge hair follicle size.
Accelerated Wound Healingbut better when used in liposomes due to its sensitivity to carboxypeptidase breakdown effects.
Anti-Cancer Actions
Topped 1,309 bioactive compoundsas the Broad Institute computer recommended molecule for the treatment of human METASTATIC COLON CANCER
GHK, at 1 nanomolarreset the PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH system in human cancer cells (human neuroblastoma, leukemia, and breast cancer) but did not affect healthy cells.
GHK-copper plusascorbic acid suppressed a sarcoma in mice.
GHK inhibited NFKB p65which is believed to promote cancer growth.
Repaired Damaged DNAat cellular level at 1 nanomolar (47 genes up, 5 genes down).
GHK-copperinduced cell differentiation.
Reset 84 genesto growth inhibition or cancer inhibition.
Lung Protection
Topped 1,309 bioactive compoundsas Broad Institute computer recommended molecule for treatment of chronic obstructive obstructive pulmonary disease. Restored healthy function in COPD affected cells at 10 nanomolar.
Protected Lung Cellsfrom damage by both bleomycin and lipopolysaccharide-induced injury.
In fetal lung cellsGHK-Cu (at concentrations of 0.1, 1.0, and 10 nanomolar) produced dose-response changes in 329 human fetal lung genes of the extracellular matrix.

Antioxidant / Anti-Inflammatory

Increased SOD1 ActivitySuppressed toxic products of lipid oxidation alpha,beta-4-hydroxy-trans-2-noneal and acrolein, peroxyl radicals, hydroxyl radicals, p38 MAPK, IL-6, IL-17, TNF alpha, and strongly suppressed NFKB, a molecule which is believed to be a primary cause of many diseases of aging.
Completely Blocked CU2+ Oxidationof low density lipoproteins while SOD1 gave only 20% blocking.
Blocked Release ofOxidizing iron from ferritin.
Brain & Nerves
Altered expression of human genesimportant in neuron function by 50%, plus or minus, with 408 UP and 230 DOWN.
Induced strong Anti-Anxiety & Anti-Aggressioneffects in rats within 12 minutes at a weight equivalent of 35 micrograms in 70 Kg humans.
Induced Anti-Pain Activityin rats within 12 minutes.
Alleviated neuronal apoptosisdue to Intracerebral hemorrhage.
Now used clinically in humansfor the treatment of damaged spinal segments in the neck. Treatment was for 20 days with a daily injection of 0.25 mg GHK-Cu into the skin around the damaged area. The cost of GHK-Cu is about $0.01 a milligram.

Stem Cells & OTher Actions
Caused adult MCS Stem Cellsto produce more growth factors, increased stem cell differentiation.
Enhanced activity ofalginate hydrogels for human cord blood MCS Stem Cell Ostegenesis.

Increased the healing ofmany tissues including skin, stomach, intestine lining, bone tissue.
Strongly chemo-attractedcapillary cells, mast cells, and macrophages.
Strongly activated genes ofthe Ubiquitin proteasome system used for cell cleansing. (41 genes up, 1 gene down).
Blocked Locked Cortisone'santi-regeneration effects.
Suppressed the Insulinand insulin-like system that reduces lifespan in roundworms.
Reduced Fibrinogen synthesisFibrinogen levels are the top predictor of cardiovascular heart disease.
Increased Myostatingene expression 9.4 fold. Myostatin inhibits heart failure.